Mgm National Harbor Casino Reopening Date
Posted By admin On 14/04/22
While it has not been proven to be an actual plan for the future of one of Las Vegas’ most powerful casino conglomerates, there is an alleged plan for the opening of the MGM Resorts properties making the rounds on social media. The plan, while logical, may be rooted in information that came from a late April earnings report by the leadership of MGM Resorts. It has not, however, been confirmed by anyone from MGM Resorts officially.

Image Making Rounds of Social Media
MGM National Harbor's 3,300 employees were furloughed. A spokesperson says its too early to say whether all of those employees will come back or not once Maryland gives the green light to reopen. Jun 23, 2020 In phase two of reopening, you can gamble yet again. MGM National Harbor will bring back its resort and casino at half-capacity at 6 AM on Monday, June 29 with a slew of new safety protocols. MGM National Harbor announced that it will reopen on June 29.
Especially on Facebook but also on other media, an image of a post from someone named “Kurt Coleman” is sweeping like wildfire. A quick search of Facebook for the account doesn’t reveal any “Kurt Coleman” with the appropriate avatar on the social media monolith, but that hasn’t stopped people from sharing the information on various poker and casino outlets. The image is as follows:
- Jun 25, 2020 By Adam Zielonka - The Washington Times - Thursday, June 25, 2020 When MGM National Harbor reopens to the public on Monday, prospective guests can expect “contactless” check-ins, single-use.
- NATIONAL HARBOR, MD — MGM National Harbor is reopening its doors. The casino announced Tuesday that it would reopen at 6 a.m. On June 29 with precautionary measures in place.
The post has been seen in other creations which also leave one highly skeptical as to its veracity. In other connotations, the 2021 date had typos which stated “2o21,” using the letter “o” as the number zero (“0”). It turns out, however, that there may be some realistic base in what the approach of MGM Resorts may be in the future.

Quarterly Report Offers Proposed Rollout

In an article in USA TODAY from journalist Dawn Gilbertson from April 30, executives did discuss a rollout of the casino operations for the company in a post-COVID-19 world. Instead of opening all their operations, MGM execs stated they would slowly roll out the opening of their properties. Up first, according to acting Chief Executive Officer Bill Hornbuckle, would be those hotels appropriate for a certain level traveler and their budgets.
First to come up would be the New York-New York Hotel and Casino and The Bellagio, appealing to both the midlevel and “high roller” customers that may be itching to scratch their casino Jones. Closed since mid-March, The Bellagio, strangely enough, is currently booking reservations beginning on June 1, as is New York-New York. But the same quarterly earnings call indicated that, even if the properties are opened, it wouldn’t be at full bore.
All the restaurants at the hotels would not be open for operation and there will be an emphasis on takeout food and beverage. The Nevada Gaming Control Board has already spoken on what it will take for the casinos to be operational, which would limit the options for anyone who is staying in the hotel. “From there, we’re talking about what other properties should open, if any,” Hornbuckle stated in the meeting, “We’ll go slow. We’ll be responsive and responsible.”
Mgm National Harbor Casino Location
Is the Meme True?
Mgm National Harbor Casino Video
Determining whether the image from “Kurt Coleman” is true or not is difficult. It is always best to take these things with that proverbial grain of salt (or, in some cases, perhaps the whole salt lick) and this is a demonstration of one of those times. Poker News Daily is in contact with MGM Resorts to learn whether this is an accurate estimate of their plans; as of press time, there has been no response from the MGM Resorts Public Relations department.